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APOES 3.0 is designed to unlock the digital conundrum – a conscious correlated effort to embrace digital literacy, offer solutions to technological hitches & glitches, and create bridges of growth to create a synchronically aligned global digital space (GDS).
APOES 3.0 envisages a more stable and technologically equipped GDS. The pandemic has become a reality to be reckoned with, to be accepted and followed as the digital ethos of our collective future. The struggle made during the last 9 months has borne fruit and we anticipate, with positive hope, to be able to showcase the results of unique collaborations underway. It is expected that our fledgling efforts will attain maturity to utilize the available resources and means through astute adaptability and simple yet innovative techniques.
APOES 1.0 and APOES 2.0 in May and October of 2020 respectively, the first in the series of All Pakistan Online Education Summits, while embracing the current realities, contributed immensely in creating a regular platform for facilitation of meaningful digitalization of education, purposeful integration of technology, and deliberate avenue of collaboration. Its highly impactful talks, seminars, workshops, presentations, and interactions and global outreach inspired the participants to eagerly learn and improve digital skills, acquire new knowledge and gain qualifications that secure them a successful future.
Three Critical Themes
APOES 3.0 is structured to focus on three critical themes:
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Capitalization
Sub- Themes
- Cutting-edge practices and case studies
- Leading-edge learning platforms
- Distinctive approaches to instructional design
- Innovative methodologies for online content development
- Evolving digital tools and skill
- Engaging gamification-based e-learning software
- Effective learning management systems and remote labs
- Purposive use of media and graphics for online learning
- Post-digital pedagogy and future learning scenario
Join us to discuss emerging trends and challenges in higher education caused by COVID-19 pandemic
Hybrid Institute is thrilled to announce that it has entered a new strategic partnership with Coursera, Pearson, Kloud, DialedIN, LMS Pulse and Quality Matters QM, powered by Kloud. Also pleased and excited to announce the event partners namely University of Management and Technology, Term Mate, Superior University, COMSATS and Lab X change. We are looking forward to strengthening and developing this partnership further towards achieving common goals.

APOES 3.0 is structured to focus on three important features: namely, communication, collaboration and capitalization.

The Summit aims for threefold communication that
- promotes sharing of ideas, technologies, resources,
- prompts change in the participants’ behaviours, beliefs, and preferences, and
- delivers relevant information unambiguously, so that the participants’ can decode it correctly.

APOES 3.0 provides an inviting platform by involving a diverse gathering of faculty, students, researchers, instructors, remote educators, teaching and graduate assistants, administrators, faculty support staff, organizations, EdTech companies and other passionate education professionals.
The event is suffused with networking opportunities that provide an open platform to
- Engage with likeminded colleagues,
- brainstorm with peers, and
- inspire others.
The outcome has been and will be to open multiple avenues for different individuals and groups to come together and pool their energies and resources to promote e-learning.

After effective communication and successful collaborations, the time will be ripe to capitalize on the gains. The flow of collective energies will sweep away the hurdles to offer permanent and stable educational infrastructure, enabling the educational bodies to
- tailor interventions
- utilize available resources
- promote a go-getter attitude in online teaching
- manage virtual professionalism,
- prepare adaptive instructors,
- rethink assessment methods,
- innovate grading strategies,
- Moodle effortlessly,
- introduce business models for higher education institutes,
- create shielded environments,
- formulate strategies to deal with Post-COVID-19 educational scenario,
- teach specific student populations,
- bridge divides,
- instruct under-prepared students,
- revamp thinking patterns, and
- turn dreams into reality.
Important Dates
Conference Dates: 15-17 October 2021
Abstract Submission Date: 6 September 2021
Speaker Registration Deadline: 30 September 2021
APOES 3.0 invites local and international researchers to submit abstracts of their papers by Sunday, SEPTEMBER 06, 2021, in the MS Word format, sent via the conference website. The abstract must clearly state the hypothesis and/or major objective(s) and the potential impact of the work. The work must be completely original and not previously published or presented. The abstract must not exceed the maximum 300-word limit. The single paragraph abstract should be typeset in Times New Roman, 12 pt., regular, left-aligned (not justified) font with 1.5 line spacing. On top of the abstract paragraph, please write the topic statement. Below the topic statement, write the author(s) name(s), affiliation, contact number, and the correspondence email. Give up to six keywords at the end of the abstract. For referencing, authors are advised to follow APA style manual, 6th edition.

Guy is a designer, business strategist, and serial EdTech entrepreneur with degrees in engineering from the University of Bridgeport and business from Harvard Business School. In 1985 Cihi co-founded Learning Technologies and produced the Disney’s World of English video program and several other innovative learning systems. Millions of students around the world have studied with the various publications and software produced under Guy’s direction. In addition to his current work with Lexxica, Guy co-founded several other businesses including Australia’s Endeavour College of Natural Health which has over 10,000 enrolled undergraduate students.
Dr. Yaping Gao has over 25 years’ experience in higher education in both China and USA as faculty, instructional designer, LMS administrator, and online education administrator. Dr. Gao believes quality course and program design supported by research, facilitates effective instruction, promotes student engagement and active learning, and lays the foundation for student success and institutional advancement. As Senior Academic Director of Quality Matters, USA, Dr. Gao oversees and leads member services and international collaboration initiatives. Dr. Gao earned her doctoral degree in instructional design from Baylor University, USA, and her Master/Bachelor degrees from Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China.
As the Founding President of the Malaysian Association of Professional Trainers and Coaches (MAPTaC), I’m a trainer since 2007 for Sales, Entrepreneurship and Mindset. My proudest moments are when I was awarded the prestigious Global Training & Development Leadership Award by the World HRD Congress (2017), Distinguished Trainer (2017), Hall of Fame (2018) in Asia’s Training & Development Excellence Award, SME Icon by Malaysian Service Provider Confederation (2018) and Best Sales Trainer in Malaysia (2019). I am also truly honoured to be appointed as Nexus Governing Committee Member for Malaysia Productivity Corporation & Director of Asia Pacific for Global Trainers Federation.
Dr. Woden Teachout has taught online and in distance education programs for nearly 20 years. She earned a PhD from Harvard University, is a two time Fulbright scholar and the author of two books, and has won multiple teaching prizes. She teaches at Union Institute & University, where she is also the Faculty Development Coordinator. She has designed several programs that apply progressive and adult education principles to online learning and works with universities in the United States, Europe, Africa, and Central Asia on curriculum revision, faculty development, and student writing support.
I am a Professor in the Education Department at Eastern Connecticut State University, where I have taught courses in educational technology in our online graduate program and in the social foundations of education and liberal studies since 1995.
I received my Ph.D. in Comparative and International Education from UCLA, M.A. in Educational Technology from Concordia University in Montreal, and my B.S. in Biology/Secondary Education from SUNY, Brockport. I was a high school teacher as a Peace Corps volunteer in Zaire and also taught in Israel and California.
We often hear that communication and collaboration are important for success. But how and why? Todd will provide a simple but powerful tip to becoming an elite communicator while also breaking down the qualities needed to collaborate at the highest level.
Dr. Senior conceptualizes, leads, designs & implements learning solutions to improve learning and quality assurance. He has vast international experience serving industry, higher education, government, and non-profit organization with customized solutions, including face-to-face training, self-instruction, blended learning and e-learning. He is ex-president of IBSTPI.org, an organization that researches and promotes professional standards for instructional designers. Dr Senior serves as international representative of Quality Matters in the Latin American and Caribbean region. He obtained his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology at the University of Illinois; a Masters degree at the Rochester Institute of Technology in the US; and a Bachelor's degree at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez.
Raghav leads Coursera in India and APAC. He is responsible for growing Coursera’s consumer and enterprise business in the region, thereby bringing the world’s best education to learners across Asia Pacific. He is also the global lead for ‘Coursera for Campus’, Coursera’s platform for universities and colleges. Raghav has 22 years of experience across consumer, internet and management consulting industries in India, Southeast Asia and Europe. Previously, Raghav was India Country Manager at BlaBlaCar, an intercity carpooling service. As a management consultant for 15 years, Raghav led the Retail Practice of Booz & Company in India, and served as President of Technopak Advisors. Raghav holds an MBA from INSEAD in France.
Ms. Anita Shah Lakyary is a renowned scholar, writer, and development professional with specialization in Corporate Social Responsibility. She has worked as a school and university teacher and head of an NGO. She also worked for restoration of education in the government schools in Hyderabad District through regular monitoring of schools, besides conducting teacher and head teacher training and motivation sessions. She is an award-winning writer and advocate of children’s education and empowerment of young people through entrepreneurship. She has served in different Government Departments as well as several national and international nonprofit organizations and media institutions. In recognition of her services, she has been awarded the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship on a Fulbright Scholarship and Charles Wallace Fellowship. She has been recognized as an exemplary leader from South Asia due to her struggle for uplifting the lives of rural people.
Ahmed is an expert in the Higher Education Products and Technology services with 14+ years experience with Pearson and with the educational eco-system. He currently specialises in Pearson's Higher Education Courseware portfolio, working with universities and institutions to implement various eLearning solutions, including 3rd party integrations with LMS platforms such as Blackboard & Moodle.
Lamis has 10 years + experience in the education field. She is currently heading the Student and Career Success programs to prepare students for college and for their career.
Mehtab Hameed is a certified trainer, certified performance coach and NLP master practitioner. He has an amazing experience of five years during which he made remarkable achievements. He is passionate about making individuals and organizations fully aware of their true potentials and multiple skills in their lives. His teaching philosophy is MIND ARTS (Moving In New Direction / Act Reflect Transfer Sustain). His training sessions are focused on mind and bonding as well as learning through discussion, practice, observation, reflection, evaluation and feedback.
Ms. Asma Umar is a trainer & consultant with versatile experience in HR Transformational Leadership, HR Assessment Center Development & Implementation Expert, Business Planning & Strategy, Employee Wellbeing & Happiness Practitioner & Executive & Leadership Coaching Expert. Her rich and diverse exposure to leadership positions across culture and geographies has given enough depth to bring transformation in businesses. She has a proven track record of delivering business results & improved performance that takes the businesses to the next level.
I am an engineer by profession and educationist by passion. I have a degree in computer engineering, and I am certified six sigma black belt. I have been working in this field for 12+ years. As an educationist, my focus is on child led education using project-based and STREAM based (Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) and game-based learning. I have developed a platform where we connect Pakistani youth with national and international mentors who are experts in their respective fields.
Andrew is a member of the Partnerships Team for LabXchange. He is focused on helping to make educators, students and researchers aware of this free resource, while also identifying new collaborators to help grow the content library. Andrew is based in South Africa. Prior to working with LabXchange Andrew worked in the financial services and management consulting sectors for 15 years.
Julian has taught high school science and mathematics for over a decade. His particular educational interests are mentoring, pedagogy and EdTech. He is the Head of Curation.
Shazia Aziz is an Assistant Professor at COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Pakistan. Backed by an M. Phil in Applied Linguistics, a PGD in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and Masters in English Literature and a certification in Transitioning to Teaching English Online from the University of Manitoba, she has a vast of experience of teaching and research in Linguistics and Literature. Recipient of a fellowship from AIPS and Duke, she spent a semester at Duke University, NC, USA and North Carolina University, USA as adjunct faculty. Presently, she is pursuing a doctorate in English Linguistics. Her research interests constitute but are not limited to Applied Linguistics, ELT, CMC, Critical Discourse Analysis and Business Communication. Her research has been published in numerous journals of international repute and she is a well cited author with more than 150 citations to date. She also reviews papers for reputed national and international journals.
Shameem Fatima, PhD is the Head Department of Humanities, COMSATS University Lahore and an HEC Approved PhD Supervisor. She has received her PhD in Applied Psychology with a specialization in neuropsychology from the University of Punjab. She has obtained many awards including but not limited to the Punjab University Talent Award, 2000, the 5th and 7th HEC Outstanding Research Awards, CUI Best Researcher Award, 2017 etc. She is Talent scholarship holder from primary till Masters and was HEC indigenous scholar for PhD degree. She has many Research publications in well reputed international impact factor journals. Also, she has a book in Clinical neuropsychology to her credit published by Springer.
Sehar Waheed is a BS Psychology graduate from COMSATS. Currently, she is pursuing her masters in clinical psychology from UCP. She is a gold medalist in Bachelors degree and aims to achieve the same in Masters program as well.

Download the abstract book containing the complete schedule. It includes 1) Real-time examples of meaningful and relevant courses, 2) Glocalize research-supported quality standards and best practices, 3) Leading-edge learning platforms, 4) Distinctive approaches to instructional desig, 5) Innovative methodologies for online content development, 6) Evolving AI-based applications, 7) Engaging gamification-based e-learning software, 8) Effective learning solutions, 9) Purposive use of media and graphics for online learning, 10) Place-based pedagogy and intercultural learning

Our proud sponsors invite you to join APOES 3.O to spend an invaluable and interactive time with learning professionals, educators and administrators and hear more about the best practices and challenges we have all faced in higher education. The event will give you a brilliant opportunity to collaborate with regional and international experts regarding current and emerging trends in education. And, of course, your participation will provide you with a vibrant space to brainstorm and offer solutions through innovative digital technologies.

To register kindly fill in the form provided below, if due to some reason you cannot access the form kindly click here