Virtual Conference Themes Abstract Submission Important Dates Key Note Speakers Organizers
Virtual Conference
UMT CONNECTED & Department of English and Literary Studies (DELS), University of Management and Technology, Lahore join hands with Virtual University, Hybrid Institute Lahore, Acadeum, and Quality Matters to bring to educators, scholars, researchers, practitioners, and students an amazing virtual experience through their first All Pakistan Online Education Summit 2020. APOES will be broadcasted to the interested audience, nationally as well as globally.
Participant Registration Form
During the last few months, UMT has gained a tremendous recognition due to its thought-leading and cutting edge endeavors with regard to its online presence and performance. Taking inspiration from this achievement, this Summit is expected to be a premier event in Pakistan to offer a vibrant, interactive, and trend-setting virtual platform to both local and international researchers because of the diverse and interdisciplinary nature of its themes.
Join us to discuss emerging trends and challenges
in higher education caused by COVID-19 pandemic