NADIA ANWAR _________________________________________________________________
University: Dept of English and Literary Studies
University of Management and Technology Lahore
C-II, Johar Town, Lahore, Pakistan
UAN: +92 42 111 300 2
Tel: +92 42 35212801-10
Mobile: +92-3004509149
Email: [email protected]
RESEARCH & TEACHING___________________________________________________________
My principal research lies in the field of Postcolonial English literatures in general and Nigerian theatre and drama in particular. However, I am also a strong supporter of interdisciplinarity in research which is reflected in the theses I have supervised until now. During my professional career, I have lectured on English, American, continental literatures and areas such as Critical Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics, and Adaptation Studies. As an active academic and administrative faculty member, I have remained engaged with many curricular and extracurricular activities from undergraduate to PhD levels. I am proud to have been the recipient of many awards during my academic and professional career. I also keep offering my acquired research skills and teaching experience to quality academic institutes in the fields of English Literature and Linguistics.
As a teacher, I strongly believe in ‘Learning-by-Doing’.
2012 – 2015 PhD – Nigerian Drama
The University of Northampton, School of the Arts (United Kingdom)
Supervisors: (Late) Dr Victor Ukaegbu (first); Prof Janet Wilson
(second; Director of Studies); Dr Jumai Ewu (external)
- My thesis investigates how metatheatre that foregrounds the fictive nature of a piece of performance is employed and theorized in the selected works of Nigerian playwrights. I have examined the possible implications of this particular device on the audience/reader reception through textual analysis.
- In order to get myself acquainted with the literary, cultural and socio-political dimension of African literature and to integrate myself into vibrant research environment, I have attended various international academic conferences, seminars and skill-based workshops.
2005 – 2008 MPhil in English Literature
University of the Punjab, Dept of English Language and Literature
Supervisor: Dr Amra Raza; CGPA 3.41 (B+)
The programme involved five courses from early Greek to modern and postcolonial literatures written in English with a term paper requirement at the end of each course. Some of the research papers I wrote are: Familial Relations as a Seat of Discontent in Ibsen; O’Neill’s Homecoming: A reworking of Aeschylus’s Agamemnon; Adrienne Rich: Fusion of the Private and the Public; Fusion of Illusion and Reality in Shepard’s Fool for Love; Inversion of Fantasy in Aristophanes’ Birds; Reframing of Pastoral Conventions in As You Like It; Fetishizing of Hamlet in Shakespeare.
- Awarded A Grade on the thesis titled: ‘Reshaping of tradition through Storytelling in Ama Ata Aidoo’s Anowa and The Dilemma of a Ghost’
2003 – 2004 Postgraduate Diploma in English Language Teaching
University of the Punjab, Dept of English Language and Literature
Supervisor: Dr Amra Raza; Grade A
- This one year diploma offered courses on English phonetics, stylistic, grammar, socio- and psycho-linguistics and syllabus designing.
- Thesis: ‘Using Newspapers in Enhancing Reading Skills at the Intermediate Level’
- First position in the University
1994 – 1997 Masters in English
Government College University, Department of English
Division 2nd
1991 – 1994 Graduation in English Literature and Statistics
Lahore College for Women University, Pakistan
Division 1st
- Awarded Academic Roll of Honour
1989 – 1991 Intermediate in English Literature, Statistics and Health and Physical Education
Lahore College for Women University
Division 1st
1980-1989 Secondary School Examination in Science subjects
Divisional Public School, Model Town, Lahore, Pakistan
Division 1st
July 2016 Research Monograph: Dynamics of Distancing in Nigerian Drama: A Functional Approach to
Metatheatre, published in New Series World Literature Studies with Ibidem Verlag (Columbia University)
- “The magic of Nigerian Drama”, Oct 23, 2016, reviewed by Sarwat Ali for The News on Sunday.
- “Dynamics of Distancing”, July 2017, reviewed by Dr Kene Igwuonu for Theatre Research International, 42.2 (pp. 204-206).
- Listing: Theatre Research International (Cambridge Core), 41.1 (2017).
Research Articles
2018 (Nov) Research article titled: ‘Transforming audience's mental culture through shifting euphemistic devices’,
(co-author: Zarbakhat Rao) published in Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Research, 7.1
(Nov 2018), NED University Engineering & Technology, Karachi
2017 (July) Research article titled: ‘Dramatic Distancing through Meta-theatricality in Wole Soyinka’s Death and the
King’s Horseman’, published in African Performance Review, ISSN: 1750-4848, Pages 7-24, Volume 8, Number 2 (2016).
2015 (April) Research article titled: ‘Femi Osofisan’s Subversive Metatheatre in The Chattering and the Song’, for
International Journal of Arts and Sciences, ISSN: 1944-6934, Pages 499-511, Volume 8,
Number 2 (April 2015)
2014 (May) Research article titled: ‘Modulation of Dramatic Distance, The Case of Wole Soyinka’s King Baabu’, for
Humanities and Social Sciences Review, published by University, USA, Pages 73-85,
Volume 3, Number 2 (May 2014)
2009 (March) Research article titled: ‘Consummation through Twin Suicides in Ibsen’ for Journal of Research
(Humanities), published by University of the Punjab, Lahore. Pages 101-112, Volume XLII-XLV
(January 2006-January 2009)
Co-Authored Research Articles
2019 (October) Research Article titled: ‘Injurious Effects of Hate Speech Acts in the Bluest Eye’, with primary author
Tamsila Naeem, for International Journal of English Linguistics, pages 106-115, Number 6,
Volume 9 (13 October 2019)
2019 (May) Research Article titled: ‘Objectified Migrant Identity Through Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis’, with
primary author Ayesha Saddiqa, for Global Social Sciences Review, pages 270-281, Number 1,
Volume 4 (2019)
2019 (March) Research Article titled: ‘Vicissitudes of Aphasic Identity: Discourse Analysis under James Paul Gee’s
Identity Framework’, with primary author Dr Nadir Ali, for International Journal of English Linguistics,
Volume 9, issue 1, 97-110 (2019)
2018 (July) Research Article titled: ‘A Meta-functional Analysis of Baba Bulleh Shah’s Kaafi: Ranjha Ranjha Kardi Hun
Mein Apey Ranjha Hoi’, with primary author Priya Avais and co-author Muhammad Shaban, for Journal
of Social Sciences and Humanities, published by Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad,
Pages 105-140, Number 1, Volume 26, Spring (2018)
2018 (February) Research Article titled: ‘The Political Dynamics of the Public Sphere: The Case of Local Pakistani
Talk Show’, with primary author Tabassum Saba, for ELF Annual Research Journal, published by
Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Pages 247-263, Number 19 (2017)
Book Reviews:
2017 (July) Book Review: ‘African Theatre: Contemporary Women’, published in Theatre Research International,
pages 202-204, volume 42, Number (2017).
2009 (Oct & Dec) Winning essays on the topics: ‘What Steps Should We Take to Preserve Pakistan’s Rich Cultural Heritage’?
and ‘Challenges Facing Pakistani Youth in the 21st Century’ for essay competition, published by
NEWS & VIEWS,monthly magazine of the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan
Edited Books
2017 Book of Abstracts, International Conference on Inclusive Education. (Lahore, University of
Management and Technology Press). pp. 79.
2004 Interactive theatre plays titled: Journey through the Life of Courageous Women; Co-translated,
co-edited and compiled a collection of four Interactive theatre plays for Interactive Resource Centre,
Lahore (A Dfid funded project)
Compiled Books
2019 (April) Book of Abstracts, International Conference of Department of English Language and Literature
(Lahore, University of Management and Technology, Lahore). pp. 128.
SELECTIVE MEDIA ARTICLES_________________________________________
23 April 2018 “Silhouetted Dreams: An Existential Narrative of a Postmodern Man”, blog
23 Dec 2017 “Smokin! – Cigarette’s affiliation with intellectualism and capitalism”,blog
29 Nov 2017 “Time to move on: Overcoming hurdles in curricula improvement hasn't been more critical”,
22 June 2017 “Stop Blackmailing us in the Name of Zakat”, blog
5 June 2017 “The Performing God: Why we Need Faith and Not Just Belief”, blog
27 April 2017 “Beggary: A Powerhouse Performance”, The Nation blog.
4 April 2017 “The Pom Pom Girls”, The News on Sunday
15 Jan 2017 “Why do Oaths in our educational institutes exclude non-Muslims?” The Nation blog.
21 Dec 2016 “Teesri Dhun: Bringing the shadowy world of the Transgender Community into light”, The Nation blog.
20 Nov 2016 “Playing to the audience”, Dawn
10 July 2016 “Theatre combines so many of other art forms”, Interview with Dr Martin Puchner,
Founding director of the Mellon School of Theatre and Performance, Harvard University,
The News on Sunday
8 Dec 2015 “Intra-gender Hostility: Another Face of Discrimination Against Women”, The Nation blog.
22 Nov 2015 “The Language Lab”, The News on Sunday
2 Nov 2015 “A fond look back at my research life at the The University of Northampton”, Research Support Hub,
The University of Northampton
11 Oct 2015 “Pakistan has a Complex Linguistic Demography”, Interview with Dr Maria Isabel Maldonado,
The News on Sunday
June 15-to date Writing a series of skill-based and research process related articles for The Aspiring
Professionals Hub,London
- “Bridging the Skills Gap: Are you Skilled to Kill?”, published 15 October 2015
- “Surviving the Viva Experience”, published 7 September 2015
- “The Emotional Stages of a Research Journey”, published 16 July 2015
- “A Master Chef at Work: A Culinary Take on the PhD Process”, published 18 June 2015
- “Aims and Objectives Revisited”, published 8 September 2017
- “Method and Methodology Revisited”, published 22 April 2018
- “Thematic Analysis: A Helpful Method for Literary Research”, published 13 October 2018
- “The Art of Losing is Hard to Master”, published 24 July 2019
1997-to date Contributed several articles on various themes, published in dailies The News International, Dawn,
The Nation and The Frontier Post, Pakistan
TEACHING EXPERIENCE______________________________________________________________
Aug 2015 to date Assistant Professor, Acting Chairperson (Department of English and Literary Studies);
Adviser PhD (English) Program University of Management and Technology Lahore
Executing administrative responsibilities as the Chairperson; Teaching Masters, MPhil and PhD courses;
supervising MPhil, PhD theses; organizing seminars, project exhibitions and departmental events
Member Board of Advanced Studies and Research (2016-2019); Member School Graduate Committee
(2017-to date); Member Departmental Graduate Committee (2015 to date); Member Board of Studies
(2016 to date); Member PhD admission test/interview Committee (2015 to date);
Member Steering Committee for Institute of Liberal Arts (October 2019 to date)
MPhil Theses Supervised:
- “The Impact of Formal Feedback on the Development of Writing Skills at O-Level in the Selected Private schools in Lahore” by Ana Ramsha (A-), 2016
- “Semantic Evaluation of Newspaper Headlines: Media Impact of the Panama Leaks” by Rabia Shabbir (B+), 2016
- “Lexical, Semantic and Pragmatic Equivalence Gaps in Google Translation Machine Software” by Naomi Justin (A-), 2016
- “Animated Cartoon Movies: An Innovative and Effective Teaching and Learning Tool in Enhancing English Story Writing Skills”, by Zara Saleem (A), 2017
- “Investigating the Impact of ‘Washback Effect’ on Teaching via Bloom’s Taxonomy in a Private School in Lahore” by Ayesha Malik (A), 2017
- “The Inversion of Binaries through Violation of Gricean Maxims in The Bastard of Istanbul by Elif Shafak” by Aneeza Khan (A-), 2017
- “Lexical and Conceptual Language Compression/Decompression through Antonymic Construals in the Quran” by Shaheen Mubarik (A), (2018)
- “Discourse Reflexivity: Genre Analysis of PhD Linguistics Research Proposals” by Lubna Saleem (A), 2018
- “Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of Skin Whitening Creams: Stereotyping and Discursivizing Beauty, by Zainab Zaheer (A), (2018)
- “Investigating the Illocutionary Force of Request used by Pathan Salesmen during their Encounter with Lahori Customers”, by Huma Iqbal (A-), (2018)
- “A Pragmatic Analysis of Facial Emoji and Face Book Communication by Pakistani Millennial”, by Aleena Islam (A-), (2018)
- “Comparative Discourse Analysis of Khawaja Ghulam Farid’s Selected Saraiki Poetry and Huxley’s Mystic Tropes”, by Afsheen Kashif (A), (2018)
- “Investigating the Transformative Potential of Excitable Speech Acts in Meri Zaat Zarai Benishan and its Adaptation by Umera Ahmed: A Comparative Study”, by Ghazala Sammar (A), (2018)
- “Instigative Media Discourse: Investigating the Role of Media Reporting on Pak-India Cricket Matches”, by Huma Naseem (A), (2018)
- “A Multimodal Analysis of Advertisement Junk Email/Spam”, by Syeda Zahida Rizvi (B+), (2018)
- “Pragmatics of the Speech Act of Greetings: Investigating ESL Learners’ Communicative Competence”, by Aisha Zafar Khan (A), (2019)
- “Stylistics Analysis of Political Taglines/Slogans used by Pakistani Political Parties”, by Zahra Arshad (A), (2019)
MPhil English Literature
- “Resurrection of the Self: A Comparative Thematic Study of Rumi’s Selected Poems and Hesse’s Siddhartha”,by Shazia Parveen (B+), (2018)
- “A Bolekaja-Womanist Analysis of the Selected Works of Julie Okoh & Stella Oyedepo”, by Nida Tanveer Shami (A-), (2019)
- “Raees – A Transcultural Adaptation of Macbeth”, by Sundas Shafiq (A-), (2019)
Areas of PhD Theses (Supervision in progress): (HEC Approved Supervisor)
Visual Discourse Analysis; Multimodal Discourse Analysis; South Asian Fiction; Deconstruction of Sufi Narratives; Literary Adaptation; Spatial dynamics of blogging; Excitable Speech Acts
1999 – 2015 Senior Lecturer in English (BPS-17); Employer: Education Department (Govt of the Punjab)
- Taught English Language and Literature to Intermediate and Bachelor students; coordinated college functions; supervised other curricular and co-curricular activities; did student counselling.
2009 – 2010 Visiting Faculty Member at University of Gujrat, Gujrat
- Designed the outline of MPhil in English Literature programme; taught the course on Ancient Greek and Elizabethan Literature to MPhil English Literature students; evaluated theses of MA English Literature students as an External Examiner.
1997 – 1998 Lecturer in English (BPS-17) at WISE Girls College, Lahore
- Teaching English Language and Literature to Intermediate, Bachelor’s and Master’s students.
OTHER EXPERIENCE__________________________________________________________________
Nov 2019 to date Reviewer, South Punjab Journal of Linguistics and Literature (SPJOLL), Institute of Southern
Punjab, Multan
Aug 2019 to date Reviewer, Critical Arts, Taylor and Francis Online
April 2019 to date Reviewer, English Language, Literature and Education, Garrison University
April 2019 to date Reviewer, International Journal of Literary Linguistics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany)
2017 to date Member Editorial Advisory Board, Hayatian Journal of Linguistics and Literature (HJLL),
University of Gujrat, Gujrat
Oct 2018 to date Reviewer, Linguistics and Literature Review (LLR), Department of English Language and Literature,
University of Management and Technology, Lahore
Aug 2017 to date Guest Editor, UMT Education Review, Department of Education, University of Management and
May 2017 to date Member Board of Advisors, Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization,
University of Management and Technology, Lahore
Jan 2016 to date Member National Curriculum Revision Committee for English (BS/MS), Higher Education Commission
April 2016 to date Member Advisory Board, Eurasian Journal of Humanities, Al Andalus Insitute of Languages
Jan 2016-17 External Reviewer National Testing Service Pakistan
2012-2015 Voluntary host
Friendship International Students and Hosts, University of Northampton
Conducted storytelling sessions/workshops for international students on November 13, 2012;
November 11, 2013; February 2, 2015
2012 – 2014 Voluntary Customer Service Oxfam (Charity Organization)
Kingsthorpe Branch, Northampton
2011 – 2013 Interpretation and Translation Services
Talking Heads Languages Ltd, Seaton Business Park, Sheffield
2011 – 2012 Voluntary host for International Students
International Students Club at Emmanuel Centre, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds Facilitating communication
amon students belonging to different ethnic, religious, cultural and academic groups;
arranging/organising activities for the promotion of cross-cultural liaison; guiding/assisting
the students in problems of both academic and personal nature.
2011 – 2012 Voluntary Project Leader
Global Perspectives Anthology project (Published April 2012) for the
Intercultural Ambassador’s Programme, University of Leeds
I was selected by the University of Leeds, International Office for the prestigious Intercultural
Ambassador’s Program. I did a creative writing project called ‘Global Perspectives on Universal Tales’,
which involved a creative writing workshop and publication of an anthology based on winning cultural
adaptations of famous fairytales.
June 2011 Member organising committee Empowerment and The Sacred: An Interdisciplinary Conference
organised by ICPS, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
June 2011 Member organising committee Between Kismet and Karma, a publication launch event arranged by
Shisha, The International Agency for Contemporary South Asian Crafts and Visual Arts, based in
Manchester in collaboration with the University of Leeds, Theatre Workshop, School of English,
University of Leeds, UK
2009-to date Adjudicator
University of Education (Township Branch), Annual English Poetry Recitation Contest:
Thursday, 08 March, 2018; Beaconhouse School System (Garden Town Branch), Lahore,
Inter-School Bilingual Declamation Contest: 23 January 2009; Government Post Graduate
College For Women, Sahiwal, Chief Minister’s Speech/Debate/Essay Writing Competition 2009
(Divisional/Degree Level): 18 December 2009; Beaconhouse School System (CSC Boys Branch),
Lahore, Inter-House English Declamation Contest 2010: 7 January 2010
1997 – 1998 Internee Sub-Editor at Daily The Nation, Lahore
Editing stories, features, book reviews and interviews; contributing
articles to different sections of the magazine.
April 2019 Received ‘Employee of the Quarter’ (Spring 2019) award by
University of Management and Technology, Lahore
June 2017 Funded by Higher Education Commission, Research & Development Division, Islamabad
to travel, lodge and present in “International Conference Many people Many Cultures One
Humanity: Re-centering the Poet Poetry and Performance” organized by African Theatre
Association, University of West Indies, Barbados.
Oct 2016 Funded by University of Management and Technology Lahore to travel and lodge
in Islamabad for ICLLS (PAL) Conference (details given above)
June 2016 Funded by University of Management and Technology Lahore to travel and lodge in Cambridge,
USA for training workshops and seminar at Harvard University
March 2014 Chancellor's Fund to attend conference in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Awarded by: The University of Northampton
Nov 2013 Chancellor's Fund to attend conference in Freiburg, Germany. Awarded by: The University of Northampton
July 2013 Postgraduate Student Research Fund to attend conference in London.
Awarded by: School of the Arts, The University of Northampton
July 2012-15 Awarded partial scholarship towards tuition fee to pursue PhD research.
Awarded by: The University of Northampton
1994 Awarded Academic 'Roll of Honor'
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS____________________________________________________
2011 Punjab Public Service Commission, Education Department,
Government of Punjab for the Post of Assistant Professor in English
- 2nd position in Lahore (7th in Punjab) and joined government service as Assistant Professor (BPS-18).
1999 Punjab Public Service Commission, Education Department,
Government of Punjab for the post of Lecturer in English
- 4th position in Lahore (15th in Punjab) and joined government service as Lecturer (BPS-17).
1999 Punjab Public Service Commission; Technical Wing,
Education Department, Government of Punjab
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP_________________________________________________________
July 2013 to date AfTA (African Theatre Association)
Aug 2013 - 2018 ALA (African Literature Association)
July 2012 to July 2015 Postcolonial Visual Culture, Performance and Narrative Group
School of the Arts, The University of Northampton, UK
27 Feb 2019 Delivered plenary talk on ‘Understanding Intra-Gender Hostility through Feminist Critical
Discourse Approach’ at 2nd National Conference on English Language, Literature & Education
(NCELLE) 2019, 26-27 February, 2019, Department of English Language & Literature, Lahore
Garrison University, Lahore
15 Dec 2018 Delivered plenary talk on ‘Teaching the Performative Aspects of Drama/Theatre in
the Complex Academic Landscape of Pakistan’ at International Conference on English
Literature, Linguistics and Teaching (ICELLT 2018), organized by University of Education, Lahore
15 Dec 2018 Presented as co-author with Ayesha Perveen on “Globalization and Discourse on Terror:
Hari Kunzro’s Transmission as Post 9/11 Fiction”, International Conference on English
Literature, Linguistics and Teaching (ICELLT 2018), University of Education, Lahore
15 Dec 2018 Presented as co-author with Ghazala Sammar Durrani on “Investigating the Transformative
Potential of Excitable Speech Acts in Meri Zaat Zarai Benishan and its Adaptation by Umera Ahmed:
A Comparative Study”, International Conference on English Literature, Linguistics and Teaching
(ICELLT 2018), University of Education, Lahore
13 Dec 2018 Presented as co-author with Iram Amjad on “Socio-cultural Identity Reclamation through
Graffitied Walls in Lahore”, International Conference on English Literature, Linguistics and Teaching
(ICELLT 2018), University of Education, Lahore
13 Dec 2018 Presented as co-author with Ayesha Akram on “ ‘Reimagination’ or Historical Anomaly?
Viceroy’s House (2017) – The Imperial Remake of History”, International Conference on
English Literature, Linguistics and Teaching (ICELLT 2018), University of Education, Lahore
28 Nov 2018 Delivered and conducted seminar cum workshop on ‘New Trends in Literary Research’ at
Department of Humanities, COMSATS, Lahore Campus
18 Oct 2018 Presented as co-author on “Impact of the Media in Shaping Public View: Critical Multimodal
Discourse Analysis of Pakistani Media”, ‘Linguistic Research in Multilingual Contexts’ in 4th
International Conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan, Department of English,
Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
2 Dec 2017 Seminar delivered on “Research in English Literature and Language”, University of Central Punjab, Lahore
16 Nov 2017 Seminar delivered on “Revisiting Literary Research”, Islamia College for (W), Cooper Road, Lahore
14 Oct 2017 Presented as principal author with Zarbakhat Rao on “Transforming Audiences’ Mental Culture
through Euphemistic Devices”, ICLAP (International Conference of the Linguistic Association
of Pakistan), NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi
13 Oct 2017 Co-presented with Ayesha Akram on “Critical Discourse Analysis of Postcolonial colour
fixation in skin whitening adverts of Pakistan”, ICLAP (International Conference of the
Linguistic Association of Pakistan), NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi
6 July 2017 Presented paper on ‘Identity Reclamation through Violence: Stella Oyedepo's Dramaturgical
Reformulations”, University of West Indies, Barbados
20 Feb 2017 Delivered lecture on “Honour Killing”, organized by Office of Participants Affair,
University of Management and Technology, Lahore.
7 Jan 2017 Presented paper on ‘Revisiting Private/Public Dichotomy in Adrienne Rich’s Poetry’, at ICLLS
(International Conference on Language, Literature and Society), Pakistan Academy of Letters, Islamabad
28 Oct 2016 Delivered lecture on “Role of Teachers in Character Building” organized by
Office of Participants Affair, University of Management and Technology, Lahore.
19 Oct 2016 Co-presented paper on ‘Urdu as the Official Language of Pakistan: Challenges,
Implications and Prospects’, at ICLAP (International Conference of the Linguistic
Association of Pakistan), University of the Punjab, Lahore
6-17 June 2016 Completed training workshops and seminars at Mellon School of Theatre and Performance,
Harvard University, United States of America 7 Nov 2014 Presented paper on ‘Femi Osofisan’s
Subversive Metatheatre in The Chattering and the Song’’ at the IJAS
(International Journal of Arts and Sciences) Conference, University of London, United Kingdom
11 April 2014 Presented paper on ‘Manipulating Dramatic Distance through Historical Metatheatre:
The Case of Ola Rotimi’s Kurunmi and Hopes of the Living Dead’ at the ALA
(African Literature Association) Conference, April, 9-13, Johannesburg, South Africa.
4 Dec 2013 Presented paper on ‘Modulation of Dramatic Distance: The Case of Wole Soyinka’s King Baabu’
at the IJAS (International Journal of Arts and Sciences) Conference, Dec 3-6, Freiburg, Germany.
19 Sep 2013 Presented paper on ‘Interplay of Real and Fictive Constructs in Ola Rotimi’s Dramaturgy’ at the
Annual Postgraduate Research Conference, School of the Arts 2013, The University of Northampton.
12 July 2013 Presented paper on ‘Manoeuvring Dramatic Distance through Metatheatrical Techniques in
selected Post-Independence Nigerian Drama’ at AfTA (African Theatre Association) Annual
International Conference, Goldsmiths, University of London & University of Derby, United Kingdom.
27 June 2013 Presented paper on ‘Metatheatricality through Intertextuality’ at Annual Postgraduate and
Early Researchers Conference, The University of Northampton.
22 May 2013 Presented seminar on ‘Metatheatrical Distancing: A Reading Framework at School of the
Arts Seminar Series, The University of Northampton.
23 Oct 2012 Presented Research at the Induction Programme, Graduate School,
The University of Northampton.
14 Sep 2012 Presented paper on ‘Metatheatrical Distancing: A New Approach to the Study of Nigerian Drama’ at
the School of the Arts Annual Postgraduate Research Conference 2012, The University of Northampton.
13 Dec 2011 Presented paper on ‘The Dynamics of Nigerian Metatheatre’ at University of Leeds Annual
Postgraduate Researcher Conference 2011: Showcase 2011 Conference in Three Minutes
Thesis Competition organised by the Graduate Training & Support Centre, University of Leeds, UK.
17 Sep 2011 Presented paper on ‘Exploring Psychological Impact of Proverbs on Postcolonial Subjects in
Ghana with special reference to Ama Ata Aidoo’s plays: Anowa and The Dilemma of a Ghost’ at Triangle
Conference, School of English, University of Leeds, UK.
Oct-Dec 2005 Did Certificate course for English Special Seminar Session on ‘Post Colonial Studies’ by
Dr Fawzia Afzal Khan, held at GC University, Lahore.
Feb 11-12, 2016 “High Achievers” certificate of participation, University of Management and Technology, Lahore
Sep 2012 Beginning Teaching in HE Program, School of Education, UoN, UK.
2012 Leeds University English Language Test, University of Leeds.
1998 Certificat D'Etudes De langue Francaise, Alliance Francaise De Lahore.
1992 The Second Inter-Collegiate Statistical Competition (1991-92), Won 2nd Prize,
Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore.
1991 National Guards (Certificate of Service), National Cadet Corps and Women Guards.
22 Sep 2015 Conducted workshop on “The Mechanics of PhD Proposal Writing”, organized by the
Department of English Language and Literature, at UMT
23 May 2015 Conducted workshop for PhD students on “How to write a good research proposal”, organized by
the Department of English Language and Literature, at University of Management and Technology Lahore
2012-14 Attendance in Graduate School Workshops, The University of Northampton.
May 2011 Training workshop organised by Mind The Gap, an international touring theatre company,
based in Bradford, UK (24-25 May 2011).
2004 Training workshop on Internet Resources for English Language Professionals, organised by the
American Center, Lahore.
Google Scholar: